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Japan day 1 |
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My first week here started off pretty good. I arrived Sunday around 11:30pm and checked into the Hampton Inn and then got up the next morning and went to work. I didn't stay very long just wanted to check in and see if there was anything that I needed to do. I was able to pick up my phone a blackberry pearl (T-Mobil) Then I went out and looked for places to live. That night I stopped by the Institute building in Boulder and they gave me a lot of info on what was going on and who I should talk to about finding a place to live. The following few days I just went around the area and looked for places to live and ended up renting a room from some guy I met at the ward. I have to admit it is not the most ideal place on earth but you can't beat the price.
My first week of work was pretty slow because my boss was out of town and there wasn't much going on. It was also the lead up to the holiday weekend. I went looking at houses on Saturday of my second week. It was good to see what is out there and what types of homes and price ranges are available. I guess I need to look some more because I just didn't love anything too much. So what else can I say? On Labor Day I didn't labor I know dad must be very disappointed but I did drive out to Rocky Mountain National Park and see what was out there. I didn't do much but drive around and then head back but it was good just to get more of the area in my head.
This week I have been spending a lot of time getting things done for my boss and trying to get use to everything. I am sure as time goes on that I will get better at my job. We’ll see how things go.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
100 Years of Anne

I have to give a big Congratulations to Tyler and Shannon Showalter on their new Baby!!!
On a personal note:
Sunday- Just went to church and then played with Clark and Cal my nephews
Monday- Finalized all of the quotes for my move to Denver, it looks like this is going to happen
Tuesday- Sprayed for bugs in the garden, watched "Top Gear" and "Robin Hood" Then had hamburgers for dinner.
Wednesday- I have no idea because it hasn't happened yet
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Price of gas
What does the price of gas have to do with anything. If we pay more for gas we will save the planet? This kind of logic is about as smart as saying "If we pay more taxes government will be better". There are also people saying that if we drill offshore it will not change the price of gas at all, but in the most basic economics class we learn about supply and demand. In the 16th century people in Holland went on a crazed tulip bulb buying binge (say that five times fast). There is a person who at that time bought a house for one tulip bulb. Within a short amount of time everyone involved lost money. Now we are in a huge time of speculation in the commodities market. Within the last 8 years we have had the tech bubble, housing bubble, and now the commodity bubble. It will fall just as all the other bubbles have unless we do something crazy to prop up and artificially keep the price high. What also is just wrong is to tax the profits of the oil companies. I don't hear anyone talking about taxing the profits of the farmers or miners? The day we do that is the day we take a bold new step towards becoming a communist state.
On a personal note, things are going well. I am happily employed as a "dole bludger", receiving money from the State of New York every week. I also have a job offer in Denver CO and will start on the 18th of August. Well see how this new chapter in my life unfolds. This week is broken down as follows:
- Monday- I went to FHE and that is about it
- Tuesday- Date with a girl from the area, it was a lot of fun we ate dinner at Chili's and then played mini golf at some fun center. After mini golf we were looking at just getting some tokens to play some of the games there but they had this deal if you pay like 20$ per person you get unlimited video games, mini golf, and go-carts. So they said all of the games are free today just go play. So that was fun and a pretty good deal.
- Wednesday- Chopped down most of the corn on the right side of the garden for Dad.
- Thursday- I don't remember but it was probably fun.
- Friday- Finalized the quotes to move my stuff to Denver. Took my friend Michelle to get a computer, I was able to get her 50$ off of one of the services. Then we went to Marconi Grill to celebrate.
- Saturday- Got engaged (ok i didn't but hey just seeing if you are paying attention)